What Are Keloids?
Keloids are benign (non cancerous) fibrous skin tumors that occur during abnormal skin healing.
Keloids usually occur at the site of skin damage (e.g. cuts, burns, chicken pox, insect bites, piercings, surgery, tattoos etc.) and tend to develop most often on the chest, back, shoulders, earlobes and scalp.
The possibility of Keloid growth is not determined by the severity of the wound as even a minor skin abrasion can result in Keloid formation.
Why Do You Have Keloids?
Human skin is comprised of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layers. Normally, during skin healing there is a balance between the production and the breakdown of collagen which is a protein that makes up the fibers in human skin. With keloidal scars the cells in the skin called fibroblasts produce excessive amounts of collagen.
It is unclear what causes this unusual healing process as most researchers have frustratedly concluded that Keloids are simply caused by either genetic factors, skin tension or the presence of a very high number of fibroblasts in the skin.
However, after years of research and development we at Fixskin reject those conclusions and believe that Keloids are actually caused by the skin’s reaction to bacterial infection which has deposited itself into the dermis layer of the skin at the time of the initial abrasion which is usually caused by an unsantized sharpened instrument such as a barber clipper, tattoo gun, earring, needle, medical scapel or any other such device.

How Does Fixskin's Keloid Removal Duo Repair Keloid Damaged Skin?
Fixskin's Keloid Removal Duo is designed to immediately get to the source of the bacterial infection and then safely eradicate the bacteria to allow for the growth of healthy skin.
Fixskin's Keloid Removal Duo will do the following:
1. Fixskin’s Toner will disinfect and immediately open up the Keloid infected skin pores then penetrate through the skin’s visible epidermis layer to the dermis layer of the skin where the bacterial infection resides.
2. Fixskin’s Keloid Removal Serum then safely destroys the Keloid causing bacteria deposited within the dermis layer of the skin and will also break down the excessive collagen fibers that forms the Keloid(s) while simultaneously providing the affected skin with the essential nutrients needed to facilitate the growth of healthy bacteria free skin cells.


The Keloid Removal Duo
Fixskin's Keloid Removal Duo includes 50 ml of Toner and 2 fluid ounces of our specially formulated Keloid Removal Serum that will work in tandem to penetrate the keloid scar and safely destroy the bacteria causing your keloids while promoting the growth of healthy bump free skin.